Leveraging Latitude: Cultivating a Full Life in the Law

The Secondment Trap | Ross Booher

Episode 8

The traditional law firm secondment has been used for more than 50 years to help in-house clients expand their internal bench strength to meet peak work demands. However, that doesn't mean that this model is without its disadvantages. In this episode, Candice interviews her Leveraging Latitude co-host Tim Haley and Latitude CEO Ross Booher about "The Secondment Trap" on the heels of a National Law Review article they recently wrote outlining why this traditional model is not always the best option and how utilizing experienced flexible legal talent can positively impact the client-firm relationship, while also providing cost savings and protecting associates' career trajectories. This turns the trap into a win-win-win scenario.

A podcast by Latitude Legal - Flexible Legal Talent.